• Desperately need prayer support for my 16 yr old grandson who has been and still is suffering from severe gastrointestinal issues.He's lost almost a year from school because of this. He's being referred to a specialist but we all know how slow the process is, and God has no boundaries or limitations. Thank you so very much!
  • Please pray for my husband, my children and my exhubby to fild the Lord. Please pray for my finances that God will help us with it. we are at the risk of losing eveything, we have seaked out help and received none. We were asking people to help us fix up our rental after a year of non-payment tentants. We are still trying to recoperate and it has caused us mental, and emotion stress.
  • Prayer request for Kerry P, she is mentally and spiritually broken. Kerry lost her 20 yr old son Colton A. in December 2018 his body was found in the Thames river and his cause of death is unknown, Kerry feels her son was murdered. Kerry also has a daughter named Everleigh she is now 12 years old, Everleigh was diagnosed with a rare disease called pulmonary hypertension (PH). There are approximately 5,000 known cases of people living with the disease in all Canada And as of today, there’s no cure for the disease – the life expectancy of someone diagnosed with PH who receives proper treatment is about seven years. doctors gave Everleigh three to five years. She has past that by some years but the stress of it all is extremely taxing. Please pray for Kerry and her Family. Your prayers are greatly appreciated -Thank you
  • Need prayer for family reconciliation with my 2 younger sons.
  • pray to heal Magdalena Lovejoy soul, restore her eyesight, so she can have good nights sleep, heal her grief, loss, and lonliness and heal her center of consciousness, nasal cavity, pray for a healing cup from Jesus with millions of angels, flower of life healing with a miracle and star of david healing. Pray for sisters Maya Bradshaw, Pauline Lowe, and Nicoletta Rogers health and happiness. i lift up David Bird to heal his mental illness called schizophrenia.
  • Please pray for my children to find Jesus as their saviour.
  • pray for me please
  • I need financial blessing
  • Sick with the flu. I am elderly and living alone so please pray for healing
  • Pray for the young adults here at LifeHouse. Pray for those seeking God's direction for their lives regarding careers and further education. Pray for God's help, courage and grace as they are witnesses to God's saving grace to friends and family. Pray for growth in God's grace in their lives and a close walk with the Lord. Pray for God's wisdom for all their group leaders
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